Sick of getting tripped up by cables? Want that free hand back? Tired of lugging around a meter the size of a lunch box? You’re already wearing 75 pounds of gear. Why weigh yourself down further if you don’t need to? Enter the Radiation Alert® Frisker.
When responding to an incident, it is critical to identify potential danger, to plan for response in areas where contamination or airborne radioactivity exists, and implement best practices to protect the people on site.
More often than not, citizens have different expectations and will ordinarily want to leave an affected area. No matter how small the actual danger, people and objects can spread contamination, unless they stay in place. Even a well-developed emergency response program can be thoroughly defeated if the operating conditions are not adequately monitored. The Radiation Alert® Frisker is an essential tool for quickly and easily screening for radiation contamination giving you the information you need to act accordingly.
When doing manual frisking, it is impractical and probably impossible to cover every square inch of a surface area. With the Radiation Alert® Frisker’s large area probe, screening times are drastically reduced. This can eliminate some of the inherent uncertainties in assessments, leading to a relevant protection plan, and determining the choice between evacuation, sheltering in place, or decontamination and clean up.
One of those uncertainties is alpha radiation, which is more difficult than detecting beta or gamma. This is because alpha is easily attenuated, or worse, ingested. When large numbers of people are present, time constraints require reduced frisking durations. However, protocols must ensure that the most important body areas receive priority. Some areas are more likely to become contaminated than others, and should be the focus in an event where time is a factor. Hands, face, especially around the nose and mouth, and shoes are likely suspects for holding or spreading contamination, so reasonable attempts should be made to cover each of these respective parts. Although alpha emitting nuclides are not encountered as often as beta or gamma, smaller amounts create significant radiological hazards and can result in significant dose to individuals. An internal dose from alpha is 1,000 to 10,000 times the dose from the same beta or gamma source.
With the Radiation Alert® Frisker, the name says it all. Whether it’s alpha, beta, or gamma, responders can discreetly, and effectively screen with ease and confidence.
S.E. International, Inc. strives to provide great instrumentation at a cost that will fit most budgets.