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Nuclear & Health Physics
Precision measurement for safety and protection of RSOs and personnel.
With the challenges facing the radiation safety officers today, you can rest a little easier knowing the Radiation Alert® product line is here. Radiation detection systems for personnel, health physics and facility processes, such as radiation area monitors, dosimeters, and survey meters, are readily available to meet your radiation detection needs.
The advanced PENs are direct reading radiation dosimeters. They are rugged, precision instruments with a higher quality and reliability than other dosimeters of its type. They measure and directly read accumulated dose of gamma and x-ray exposure.
The URSA II, with a full-featured MCA program, can be used with practically any radiation detector and can extract any data your detector can supply! It has been designed taking into account comments and requests from our current URSA customers.
The Radiation Alert® Wipe Test Plates are a swipe sample holder accessory for the Ranger radiation survey meters. The stainless steel radiation Wipe Test Plate slides easily onto the back of the unit, positioning the depression and wipe directly in front of the GM tube window at a fixed distance of 1 centimeter. The Wipe Test Plate is removable for general surveying. (patent#5,936,246) Many customers using the Ranger Wipe Test Plate also use it as a Beta Shield for the 2-inch GM detector. (patent#…