Surveying for NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) contamination.

GM Detectors

Radiation Alert Ranger®    
A GM (Geiger Muller) detector, such as the Radiation Alert Ranger® can be used for surveying Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). NORM refers to materials that contain naturally occurring radioactive isotopes, such as uranium. thorium, and radium. These materials can be found in various industries, including oil and gas, mining, and mining processing.  

A GM detector can be used for various application involving NORM to monitor and access radiation levels.  Here are some of the applications where a GM detector is employed in the NORM industry.

Oil and Gas- Well logging: GM detectors can be used to measure radiation levels downhole during oil and gas exploration. This data helps determine the geological properties of the substrate formations.

NORM contamination: GM detectors are used to detect and quantify NORM contamination in oil and gas production equipment, pipelines, and associated facilities.

Mining and Mineral Processing: Ore analysis: GM detectors can be to access radioactive samples. 

Building Construction: Assessment of building materials. GM detectors can be used to check building materials, like concrete, bricks, Granit counters, and tiles for potential NORM contamination.

Scrap Metal and Recycling: GM detectors are used to screen scrap metal and other recyclable materials for NORM contamination.

Transportation and Shipping: GM detectors can be used for screening materials and cargo at ports and transportation hubs to identify and NORM contaminated shipments.

Environmental Cleanup: During environmental remediation projects, GM detectors can help monitor and detect the presence of NORM in soil, sediment, as well as waste generated during cleanup.

Radiological Safety: GM detectors are used for general radiation safety assessments in industries and areas where NORM is present.

 Scintillation Detectors


A scintillation detector, such as the Radiation Alert® GammaView are commonly used in various applications involving NORM due to their ability to provide more detailed and specific information about the type and energy of ionizing radiation. 

Oil and Gas: Well Logging- Scintillation detectors are employed in well-logging tools to measure and identify the radioactive isotopes present in subsurface formations during oil and gas exploration.

NORM contamination: Scintillation detectors are used to detect and quantify NORM contamination in oil and gas production equipment, pipelines, and associated facilities.

Environmental Cleanup: During environmental remediation projects, scintillation detectors can help monitor and access the presents of NORM in soil, water, sediment, as well as waste generated during cleanup.

Emergency Response: Scintillation detectors are used by emergency response teams to access radiation hazards during an incident involving NORM.

Research and development: Scintillation detectors are valuable tools for studying the properties of radioactive materials, including NORM.

Materials Analysis and Sorting: Scintillation detectors can be used in materials sorting and recycling facilities to identify and separate NORM contaminated materials.

Radiation Spectrum Analyzers


Radiation spectrum analyzers, such as the Radiation Alert® URSA II are commonly used in various applications involving NORM due to their ability to provide more detailed and specific information about the type and energy of ionizing radiation. 

This instrument does everything the GammaView can do and more, such as, identifying the what the specific isotope it is measuring.