Scrap Metal Screening

Radiation detectors are used to prevent radiation from entering and contaminating the scrap facility, and metal processing equipment. 

GM Detectors

Radiation Alert Ranger®       
Ranger EXP
Ranger EXP

GM detectors such as the Radiation Alert Ranger® and Ranger EXP are commonly used to detect and measure ionizing radiation in scrap metal.  There are limitations, such as detecting through objects. GM detectors are utilized to find exactly where a suspected might be located.

Radiation Screening in Scrap Metal Yards: Some metal scrap yards may use radiation detectors to screen incoming metal shipments for any radioactive materials.

Scrap Metal Recycling: Recycling facilities that process scrap metal may use radiation detectors as part of their quality control measures.

Metal and Sorting: where metals are being sorted or analyzed for composition, radiation detectors may be used to identify and segregate materials that exhibit abnormal levels of radiation.

Scintillation Detectors


A scintillation detectors, such as the Radiation Alert® GammaView are commonly used in various applications involving scrap Metal.

The GammaView can do everything the GM detectors can do, but also has the ability to detect through objects. 

 Radiation Portal Monitors


NuClearance Portal Monitor

Portal monitors are primarily used to ensure no radioactive source enters or leaves a facility. They can also be installed on conveyers to ensure no radiation enters their processing equipment.